Monday, September 21, 2009

I seem to have been stuck on the three-posts-per-month theme for most of this year so far; I have broken the trend already, but I don't want to fall off the bandwagon again. Despite all of my hectic-ness and busy-ness, it's nice to keep something of a routine and go back to writing regularly. So I really only have one point to writing this afternoon, and that is to ask if anyone has seen Love Happens yet, and if so, what you thought of it. We might make a trip to our favorite new, beautiful theater tomorrow to see it, but I'd love to get some general feedback before doing so.

So, anyone who has seen it, I'd be happy to hear (er, see...) what you thought!

In other news, today is the last official day of summer. I am quite ready for fall, and this fact makes me happy. Farewell, summer! You have been eventful, enjoyable, and enlightening, but I am ready to welcome a new season.

Thanking God today for changing seasons -- most of all, for changing seasons of life.

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