Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Hiatus and playlists



noun (pl. hiatuses) a pause or gap in continuity.

— ORIGIN Latin, ‘gaping’.

Many of you may have noticed that I have taken an unexplained vacation from my blog lately. There were many reasons for this, not least of which was an over-abundance of homework recently, as well as a flurry of activity getting ready to welcome with joy and open arms these two:

Our visit was wonderful, our soon-to-be addition to the family is delightful, and we were thrilled to spend time with both of them. The house was indeed quiet after they left...

Now life is back to "normal" (whatever that means!), but still as busy as ever. I do hope to continue to maintain my blog, though it might be abbreviated at times, especially during the next seven weeks as I finish out my current set of classes before summer arrives.

In the meantime, I have a question for those who read. I am in the process of putting together a playlist for two very special people, and I need advice. Perhaps it would help to give a general idea of what I have so far:

- Theme from The Last of the Mohicans
"For the Love of a Princess": Braveheart soundtrack
- "Elan" by Secret Garden
- "The Promise" by Secret Garden
- "Dawn": Pride and Prejudice soundtrack
- "Mrs. Darcy": Pride and Prejudice soundtrack
- "Gumption": The Holiday soundtrack
- "Minor Swing": Chocolat soundtrack
- "Elysium/Honor Him/Now We Are Free": Gladiator soundtrack
- Theme from The Notebook
"River Flows in You" by Yiruma
- Theme from Forrest Gump

So mostly soundtrack songs thus far, with a few other random things thrown in. Any suggestions for more additions? I'd like it to stay within this same general genre/style.


Enjoy the first days of spring! May God's goodness abound to you all.

Living life Coram Deo,

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