Monday, November 3, 2008

Tapioca pudding and other good things

So I have re-discovered how much I love tapioca pudding. Unfortunately, tonight's batch turned out a little runny. I'm not quite sure what went wrong. I suppose it still tastes the same, but it's rather disappointing. Then again, it gives me a chance to try again tomorrow!


I can hardly believe that it's November already. It seems like we were just welcoming in the "new" year of 2008, and now it is rapidly (almost frighteningly rapidly) coming to a close. Thanksgiving is just around the corner, and Christmas will be here "before, well, we are sufficiently prepared!" (I will give a virtual high-five to anyone who knows what movie that quote comes from. =D)

I am ridiculously excited for the holidays, though. We are now drawing near to my favorite time of year (look, I'm rhyming!), full of laughter, good food, celebration, and time with family and dear friends. Also apple cider. And pumpkin pie. And Christmas cookies. It all makes me so happy.


Loreena McKennitt has just released a new Christmas CD: A Midwinter Night's Dream. I'm simply drooling. It sounds like a must for the Christmas music library. Check it out:

My resolve to not spend a cent before my next paycheck is wearing so thin...



Happy November!

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