Monday, December 21, 2009

Christmas hymn #2

"See, Amid the Winter's Snow"

See, amid the winter's snow,
Born for us on earth below,
See the tender Lamb appears,
Promised from eternal years.

Hail, thou ever blessed morn!
Hail, redemption's happy dawn!
Sing through all Jerusalem,
Christ is born in Bethlehem.

Lo, within a manger lies
He who built the starry skies:
He who, throned in height sublime,
Sits amid the cherubim.

Say, ye holy shepherds, say,
What your joyful news today?
Wherefore have ye left your sheep
On the lonely mountain steep?

"As we watched at dead of night,
Lo! we saw a wondrous light;
Angels singing, peace on earth,
Told us of the Saviour's birth."

Sacred Infant, all divine,
What a tender love was thine,
Thus to come from highest bliss
Down to such a world as this!

Teach, O teach us, holy Child,
By thy face so meek and mild,
Teach us to resemble thee,
In thy sweet humility.

Monday, December 14, 2009

Christmas hymn #1

I've decided that in the remaining days until Christmas, I will share some of my favorite Christmas hymns. This is probably all I will have time for until after finals, in any case... I hope these bless you as much as they do me. These wonderful old hymns really serve to bring in Christmas with the proper spirit. I love them!


"All My Heart This Night Rejoices"

All my heart this night rejoices
As I hear, far and near
Sweetest angel voices.
"Christ is born," their choirs are singing
Till the air, Everywhere
Now with joy is ringing.

Forth today the Conqueror goeth,
Who the foe, Sin and woe,
Death and hell, o'erthroweth.
God is man, man to deliver;
His dear Son now is one
With our blood forever.

Shall we still dread God's displeasure,
Who, to save, freely gave
His most cherished treasure?
To redeem us, he hath given
His own Son from the throne
Of his might in heaven.

He becomes the Lamb that taketh
Sin away and for aye
Full atonement maketh.
For our life his own he tenders;
And our race, by his grace,
Meet for glory renders.

Hark! a voice from yonder manger,
Soft and sweet, doth entreat:
"Flee from woe and danger,
Brethren, from all ills that grieve you
You are freed; all you need
I will surely give you."

Come, then, banish all your sadness,
One and all, great and small;
Come with songs of gladness.
Love him who with love is glowing;
Hail the star, near and far
Light and joy bestowing.

Dearest Lord, thee will I cherish.
Though my breath
Fail in death, yet I shall not perish,
But with thee abide for ever
There on high, in that joy
Which can vanish never.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

First of December!

Tuesday discoveries and excitement:

- My brother and sister-in-law arrive in a week and a day.

- Owl City is fantastic, and is officially my new favorite study music.

- New Moon was ever so much better than I expected, so much so that I actually really want to see it again.

- The colder weather means that soft and cozy sweaters are my new best friend.

- Finishing a project at work still brings a triumphant sense of accomplishment.

- After what seems like a very long time of waiting, the Leahy concert is TONIGHT. Expect an update tomorrow. =D