"If I asked you, 'Where did the ongoing incarnation of Jesus Christ intersect with your life yesterday?' would you have an answer? We all know that the crucifixion is important for our initial salvation, but what did it mean to you this morning? Does Calvary inform and warm your heart when you're waiting in line at the grocery store or hearing bad news from your doctor? Does His sinless life comfort you when you realize that you've just sinned in that same way again? In other words, is He significantly relevant to you in your daily walk with Him? ... In your pursuit of godliness, have you left Jesus behind?"
I love it when a book hits me right between the eyes in the very first pages of the introduction. The above quote comes from the introduction to Elyse Fitzpatrick's wonderful book Because He Loves Me: How Christ Transforms our Daily Life. I have not quite yet finished the last chapters, but I already know that this book is on my list to re-read again... and again... and possibly again. It is simply one of the most encouraging Christ-focused, gospel-centered books I have ever read. Encouraging, refreshing, motivating, and yes, deeply, profoundly convicting, Elyse Fitzpatrick's passion for the gospel and the application of Christ to our everyday lives is as inspiring as it is humbling. I truly believe that her vision of "gospelized" living in the everyday things of life is something that is sorely lacking in the modern evangelical church--and something sorely needed.
I might perhaps post a more extensive review once I've actually finished, but for now... I can simply say that this book is, thus far, my #1 recommendation from my summer reading.